Friday, May 6, 2016

The NEXT Top 100 (or so) Songs I Absolutely Must Have With Me on 1/48/50 (cont...)

#197) Postmodern Jukebox - A buddy and I had this idea thirty years ago, damn it! Form a band that plays differently stylized versions of popular songs! Oh, how many times he and I jazz-handed our way into work, or class, rocking a swing version of some metal song, or bellowing rap verse in our best opera tenor! Sometimes we got a laugh, and usually aroused the ire or annoyance of whatever adult was in our midst. So mission accomplished.  Good times. But I gotta wonder if we'd stuck with it, taken it seriously....

Ah well, he and I didn't really have any talent, nor did we know any talented musicians, and our vision happened before the age of the Internet, when the world's time and attention was simply not available the way it is today. For us, the idea was destined to collapse in on itself, unrealized.

Scott Bradlee, on the other hand, the founder and band leader of Postmodern Jukebox, seems to be nothing short of an alchemist on the piano, and his assemblage of musicians and vocalists, the collective talent he brings together, generally achieves a brilliance in the way of the sun shining, and has helped make PMJ among the most successful YouTube "sensations" of all time.  They are currently touring the world, a string of live performances that no doubt are quite a spectacle (just might have to check them out, actually).

PMJ's popularity isn't really hard to understand; I think everyone - at least everyone for whom music is more than just background noise - has this idea at some point in their lives. There is a ton of these available on YouTube, each one a musical gem, and each perfect either for practicing my air piano (I'm getting better!), or, in the case of their version of Miley Cyrus's "We Can't Stop", just astonishingly beautiful to listen to.