Friday, August 25, 2017

Eclipse 2017

I made it to Kansas, and even with clouds and rain the experience did not disappoint. As is often the case, the video just doesn't do it justice. In fact, for my money, never before have the words "doesn't do it justice" been more appropriate than here and now.

Of course, social media blew up on the day of the event, so there's nothing posted here, really, that hasn't been posted/shared already someplace else. But I can't not post something about "The Great American Eclipse".  Seriously, a total eclipse of the sun is something everyone should see at least once in their life. This one was worth every long mile driven, every raindrop dodged.

This series of pictures was taken at 10 minute intervals, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Although it was sometimes difficult to discern what was the eclipse happening and what was merely cloud cover, they illustrate an unmistakable darkening of the sky in the last half hour before totality.

12:30 P.M.

12:40 P.M.

12:50 P.M.

1:00 P.M.

1:04 P.M.

1:06 P.M. Totality!