Friday, June 17, 2016

SUMMER PROJECT: Songs That Will Definitely NOT Be Coming Along on 1/48/50

Music, like all things creative, is a very subjective thing. I know that this list of "road songs" I've been cobbling together for almost three years now is not the last word. I know everyone would have a vastly different group of songs to place on something so ceremonial as a road trip mix.  I like to think I have fairly eclectic taste, fed by an open mind. If something moves me, it moves me. I don't generally get bogged down in image or genre.  But there are some songs I simply cannot get on board with.  

Sometimes they try too hard. 

Sometimes they don't try hard enough. 

Sometimes they don't make any sense...or make too much sense (which usually leads back to trying too hard...)

Sometimes they're just boring..."different ways of yawning", as my brother has said.  And boring me is really the only way I can be offended.

Sometimes it's a song from a band or an artist I otherwise dig. Sometimes this one left turn into a musically bad neighborhood is an aberration.

Sometimes not. Sometimes it's the start of a descent into the career-killing abyss.

Sometimes a certain song is so horrible, so insulting to its genre, the artist performing it, and the LISTENER, it makes my skin crawl, even pissing me off a little, if I'm stuck listening to it long enough. 

Sometimes it just reminds me of a time in my life I don't wish to remember. Music hath charms, good and bad.

Here are a few of the musical lemons that will not be coming along for the ride on 1/48/50.  I won't comment beyond the listing.  Readers can take them for what they will, not take them at all, decide I don't know what I'm talking about (if they haven't already), or cry out 'Hallelujah!'.  ;-)

  "Blame It" by Jamie Foxx

  "Rainbow in the Dark" by Dio

❌  "Human" by Christina Perri