Friday, May 25, 2018

One More (?) Go Around: A Hundred Songs I Absolutely Must Have With Me on 1/48/50

#316) "Brady Bunch Theme" by Frank De Vol - Okay, okay, not the Brady Bunch theme itself! I know that over the last six years, I've taken a lot of liberty in this space with my definition of what qualifies as a "road song".  But even I admit it would be one sad stretch of highway on a 14,000-mile road trip across America that I or anyone else spent grooving to the Brady Bunch theme.

But mind you, that's the opening theme. The closing theme is a whole other topic. When I was a kid and a hardcore Brady Bunch fan (which yes, I was...), I never got to hear the closing theme as the end credits rolled because an announcer was always talking over it. YouTube has changed that, changed the very way in which we see/remember our childhoods. There's virtually nothing you can't find there anymore, nothing from television days past that someone hasn't discovered on a 1982-era VHS tape in the attic and taken the initiative to transfer to a digital format and post (or simply rip from a DVD collection), and I've discovered that the closing theme of The Brady Bunch is actually a killer jam, testament to a by-gone age when, 1) quite a bit of thought went into television theme songs, 2) musicianship still ruled.

There are two versions, one from the first season of the show (1969), and one from a few seasons in (Season 4). Both are musical extrapolations of the theme song everyone knows the words to, but with complex hooks and a truly savage bass riff added, which render them (as strange as it feels to be typing this) authentically jam-worthy.

Jam-worthy, that is, if you truly appreciate music, and don't really care whether you look cool while you're listening to it.  If you do, you should move on, because there's simply no way to look cool here. But this isn't about something being cool; it is about something just being good, expressive, interpretive.  Who knew?  (The bass line, especially, is incredible.)

#317) "Sanford and Son Theme" by Quincy Jones Honestly, it feels a little like sacrilege to talk about this instrumental too much. It's nothing if not - first and foremost -  testament to Quincy Jones' genius. This simply wails. Wails like nobody's business. I want to say that it's another example of a TV theme song created in a time when great thought went into how theme songs might enhance the viewing experience, but this music did not start life as a TV theme song.  This was actually a single off Jones' 1973 album, You've Got it Bad Girl, called "The Streetbeater".

And may I say, the Streetbeater was the motherfucker.

How can anyone not look cool jamming to this?  Not feel cool, at least! ;-)